Search Results
James Arthur - Say You won't let go - (Cover By Irfan ft Pathrecia) - Chordplay - Eps. 6-1
The Chainsmoker - Closer - (Cover by Irfan ft Pathrecia) - Chordplay - Eps. 6-3
Chubby Bunny Challenge with Irfan & Pathrecia - Chordplay - Eps.6-2
Love Yourself (cover by Fahrizal Gifari) - Chord Play - Eps. 3-3
Little Things (cover by Fahrizal Gifari) - Chord Play - Eps. 3-1
IKOMUSIC Episode 12 - Endah and Ressa - When You Love Someone (Cover by Pathrecia ft. Irene)
Chord Play with Distorsi Semu - Hujan (Eps 2-3)
Adel dan Dunianya - Kok Gitu Sih? - Episode 5
Rumah Kita - Humantribe ft. Voodoo Dolls (Live at Black Fourth Days)
Fahrizal Gifari Tebak Lagu??? - Chord Play - Eps. 3-2
Pemain Bintang Hengkang Dari Serie A - FULTIME - Eps.6-3
Movie Challenge : Try not to Scared Challenge - MOVIESTATION - Eps 7.3